Monday, August 11, 2008

Dakota County Fair

I've been to more fairs than I care to remember. Growing up, I showed dairy cattle for over 15 years. Every summer starting when I was 9 I would go to 1 or more fairs for several days at a time. It peaked out at somewhere around 6-7 shows one summer, so imagine spending close to 3 weeks hanging out in the fair barns, some times sleeping there but mostly just sitting around. Needless to say, fairs are old news to me.

That doesn't mean I don't still like them. But the dairy barn and midway could disappear and I might not even notice, as little time as I spend in those 2 places when I do find myself at a fair. Petting goats, sheep and little piggies is way more fun.

Dakota County (a suburban/rural county south of Minneapolis) just held its county fair, so Terp and I went down there this past Friday morning. Why Dakota County out of all the fairs in the metro area? Because they had this:

That pretty much blows everyone else out of the water. In case you don't understand, that's a bobcat. How many chances does anyone ever get to pet a bobcat? We almost didn't get the chance ourselves - the bobcat is kind of squirrelly in the morning and they usually don't bring him out until early afternoon, but the guy running the show graciously brought Mr. Bobcat out so we could pet him before we had to leave. Here's another picture:

And here's the bobcat about to go for Terp's jugular (notice the little tongue sticking out, ready to lap up the blood):

That wasn't all we did, just the coolest part. We also pet some goats and sheep and little piggies, walked through the art exhibit building, and ate deep-fried cheese curds and mushrooms (Terp about barfed watching me eat the mushrooms). All in all, way more fun then the state fair, much cheaper, and we got to pet a bobcat.

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